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Minister Simon Harris - A Lying Blackguard

Simon Harris says to trust him and other politicians with the lives of Irish children. Well, here's what he had to say a couple of years ago when he was looking for votes.

And let's not forget that trusting Leinster House politicians has given us economic collapse, bail outs for criminal banksters, landowners, landlords and property developers, the homes of Irish people being sold off to foreign vulture funds like Goldman Sachs, Irish people dying on the streets during the worst homelessness crisis since WW2, our Native Irish population unable to find a decent job or a home at a fair rent or price because we have been swamped by a million migrants who are pushing wages down and rents up, demographic collapse as the Native Irish youth can no longer afford to get married, set up home and give our nation children - and that's not to mention the 220 billion public debt that those politicians ran up bailing out their bankster \ developer chums. This debt now hangs around the necks of generations of Irish children yet unborn - if they ever do get to be born. Because it seems that the Varadkar Régime's 2040 plan is to replace the Native Irish population and hang the debt around the children of migrants instead. Where Varadkar & Co. got the idea that the migrants are going to be happy to follow this plan I don't really know. Maybe when they get to be the majority - which will happen by 2060 according to Eurostat, the EU statistics office - they will have a different way to deal with Fine Gael and all the rest of the trash in Leinster House.

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