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"Bodily Autonomy" - A Cynical Slogan of the Abortion Industry

The abortion industry is one of the most profitable in the world. Companies building and operating abortion abattoirs are floated on the stock exchange and make billions of dollars in profit for their shareholders. Like any massive industry, the abortion industry sets aside tens of millions of dollars every year to be spent on hiring spin doctors and propagandists - and in commissioning fake "scientific reports" giving the industry good reviews, that are then pimped by the media and by NGOs such as Amnesty International as "objective science." It will be pointed out that these "scientific reports" are "peer reviewed." It will not be mentioned that these peers are also on the abortion industry payroll. Like Big Oil, Big Abortion has the money to get the reviews it wants. And Big Oil doesn't get 500,000,000 in taxpayer cash as Planned Parenthood has just received from the US government - yes, that's half a billion dollars in risk free revenue before Planned Parenthood even sets to work to kill one baby. There's no business like the baby murder business.

"Bodily autonomy" is a buzzword concocted by abortion industry spin doctors. It really means nothing. Even Robinson Crusoe had his Man Friday, and the Lone Ranger wasn't alone either. Human beings are social animals. We came down from the trees as collective beings, and we split the atom and landed on Mars in huge groups - consisting of tens of thousands working directly on these projects and tens of millions more contributing in one way or another. A human being without other human beings isn't even human. To be human is to relate to other humans. "Bodily autonomy" is a complete nonsense. No law code in the world has ever recognized that we can do as we like with our own bodies. Because our own bodies are never really our own bodies - they belong to the human collective. Wombs in particular are the sacred origin of the human collective.

Of course, the Abortionist spin doctors didn't pluck the concept of "bodily autonomy" out of nowhere. Although they are cunning and sly, they are not creative. How could they be? When their entire work is the subversion and destruction of creation.

"Bodily autonomy" is an offshoot of the idea of the "sovereign individual," much beloved of Liberal radicals since the 18th century. Clearly, if the individual is sovereign, the collective cannot be. The Liberal wishes to make the individual the organizing principal of society. Individual consumers making consumerist choices on the basis of self interest. Needless to say, such an ideology does not lead to a better organization of society, but rather the collapse of society - as we see all over the so called developed world today. Human relations are substituted with relations of money, as Marx and Engels noted, fertility collapses, and with it economic growth. There is then a scramble to throw open the borders to welcome mass migration of people who, for the most part, actually despise the Liberal society - and rightly consider "bodily autonomy" to be a risible concept.

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