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Fertility Rate of the Native Irish in Collapse

Here are two articles that sum up the crisis the Irish nation is now in. They are both from mainstream publications. And yet, this crisis plays little or no part in national discourse. Even many of our Patriots have not fully grasped the reality. The first article tells us that the population, as a whole - including migrants - has a fertility rate below replacement. And the second tells us that one in four babies born in the 26 counties are born to migrants. That actually means that the fertility rate of the Native Irish is in total collapse. Though our Liberal media does not highlight this fact. Add that to the fact that many of our young people are still being driven into exile by the lack of real employment and the artificially pumped up housing prices that make it impossible for young Irish couples to marry, set up home and rear Irish children. Now the enemies of Ireland have decided to apply the coup de grace, the death blow, to our dying nation - abortion on demand. Going on English figures, abortion on demand will kill one in five babies. That means abortion, if passed, will cut our already collapsing fertility rate by another 20%. The Rome Statues of the International Criminal Court defines Genocide as: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. It's clear that the Leinster House Régime is guilty of the crime of Genocide in that it is "imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group," i.e. it is pushing up housing beyond the affordability of the Native Irish and thus preventing births to Native Irish couples. It's clear that Régime policies are "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part," insofar as it is using mass immigration to drive down wages to such a level that Native Irish people cannot have children and using mass immigration to drive up home prices and rents to the point that Native Irish couples cannot set up home. The Régime has also inflicted hundreds of billions of bankster and property developer debts on the Native Irish people - debts that were incurred based on the idea that mass immigration would keep property prices sky high forever. This has meant the destruction of our health service and other social services, which in turn leads to the prevention of births among the Native Irish. Clearly, all of these criminal attacks by the Régime on the Native Irish people are "causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group," i.e. the Native Irish. In effect, Régime policies are transferring children from the Native Irish to the cheap labour migrants, since 25% of all births now in Ireland are to migrants. Money and resources are being lavished on the migrants at the expense of the Native Irish, which is effectively transferring children from the Native Irish to the migrants. Now the Régime are directly targeting rural villages like Lisdoonvarna for destruction. And finally, the Régime now intends to direct "kill members of the group" by abortion. It is vital that we recognise that Demographic Warfare is being waged upon us. This is Genocide.

Abortion breaks the family and all family bonds are reduced to bonds of mere consumer choice. For, after all, if we can kill our own children, who could we possibly have a human bonds with? The smashing of the family is the final frontier in the Victory of Global Capitalism.

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